Various sensors are provided to obtain data of all dimensions of leased assets, such as engine woking hours, gas consumption, GPS location, machine body temperature, etc. Feedback control unit are available to perform remote control of the machines, like cutting off power supply under emergency situations.

Temperature Sensor

Collects temperature information of cargo, engine and specific important points/surface with a probe.

Tilt Sensor

Detects vehicle (cranes, heavy truck) body position and send out alerts on any dangerous tilt to prevent losing balance.

Stress Sensor

Monitors crane arm stress to prevent overloading and cause permanent structural damage.

GPS Locator

Continuously collects GPS location for monitor purpose, prevent mis-use of assets during lease period and theft.

Petrol Volume

Monitors petrol volume continuously for expense optimisation and prevent abnormal cases like oil stealing.


With the above information, a complete, transparent system for catered for leasing industry, the asset status are no longer in sand box. Owners will be able to have full information of the leased assets and eliminate significant asset loss risks.